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"Tervaskanto" (2007)

1. Let's Drink
2. Tervaskanto
3. Viima
4. Veriset Äpärät
5. Running with Wolves
6. Liekkiön Isku
7. Palovana
8. Karhunkaatolaulu
9. Misty Fields
10. Vesilahden Veräjillä
11. Nordic Feast

1. Let's Drink

Little red house, potato field.
Little forest, lake as far as you can see.
Woodshed, for my home brewed beer,
perfect place for drunkards like me

Never gonna give up my rugged live,
nevver sell my infertile soil.
Never gonna give up this simple style,
let's drink and enjoy.

Disappointment is who i live with,
great grief only mate from then,
every morning pangs of remorse
but it's so familiar like my old black horse.

Never gonna give up my rugged live,
nevver sell my infertile soil.
Never gonna give up this simple style,
let's drink and enjoy.

2. Tervaskanto


talttumaton ikiurho,
korpehella katsastavi,
Jänkäsellä jäkättävi.

Kaiken nähny, kaiken kuullu,
kaiken tiänny, kaiken tainnu,
paljov' viälä näkemättä
kokematta, kuulematta.

Veripihkav' velloessa
havukarvat verestyvät,

oli kaiken nähny, kaiken kuullu, kaiken tiänny,
oli kaiken tainnu, kaiken nähny, kaiken kuullu,
oli kaiken tiänny, kaiken iannu, kaiken nähny,
oli kaiken kuullu, kaiken tiänny, kaiken tainnu.

Soat käyty viärehellä,
tappelukset takamailla,
nälkävuuet näkösällä

Kaiken nähny, kaiken kuullu,
kaiken tiänny, kaiken tainnu,
paljov' viälä näkemättä
kokematta, kuulematta.

Viäpi viälä vuasiaki,
kunnes kualo kannon kantaa

oli kaiken nähny, kaiken kuullu, kaiken tiänny,
oli kaiken tainnu, kaiken nähny, kaiken kuullu,
oli kaiken tiänny, kaiken iannu, kaiken nähny,
oli kaiken kuullu, kaiken tiänny, kaiken tainnu.

Yheksän yron ikeä,
vaariselta vahvimmalta.
Juuret maassa routassessa
vahvistavat ihojälttä
Resinous Stump

Great old man, steady as a rock
The eternal untamable hero.
The guardian of the forests.
Keeps his eye in the wetlands.

He has seen it all, he has heard it all.
He knows it all, he is the master of ot all.
But still he has a lot to see, to experience and to hear

Resin-like blood in his veins.
Hair like spruce needles.

He had seen it all, heard it all, known it all.
He ha mastered it all, seen it all, heard it all.
He had known it all, mastered it all, seen it all.
He had heard it all, known it all, mastered it all.

He has seen the th was.
The battles in his backyard.
He saw the years of hunger.
He lived through the famines.

He has seen it all, he has heard it all.
He knows it all, he is the master of ot all.
But still he has a lot to see, to experience and to hear

It wil take many more years
until the death carries the stump away.

He had seen it all, heard it all, known it all.
He ha mastered it all, seen it all, heard it all.
He had known it all, mastered it all, seen it all.
He had heard it all, known it all, mastered it all.

The age of nine heroes.
Has lived the old man.
His roots in the frozen ground.
Hardening his back skin

He has seen it all, he has heard it all.
He knows it all, he is the master of ot all.
But still he has a lot to see, to experience and to hear

He has seen it all, he has heard it all.
He knows it all, he is the master of ot all.
But still he has a lot to see, to experience and to hear

He had seen it all, heard it all, known it all.
He ha mastered it all, seen it all, heard it all.
He had known it all, mastered it all, seen it all.
He had heard it all, known it all, mastered it all.

3. Viima


Sen Tuulen tuolta tunnen
Sen tuulen tuolta tunnen
Sen tuulen tunnen latvuksissa
Tunnen tuimat tuiskaukseses
Tunnen henkes hehkuvaisen

Sen Tuulen tuolta tunnen
Sen tuulen tuolta tunnen
Sen tuulen tunnen maani halki
Tunnen omaks iskut raivos
Tunnen tunnon tuonnimmaisen

Nouse aina noituissani
Iske, iske aina iskeissäni
laula aina laillessani
vihmo itses vihmoessas
Icy Wind

I can feel the icy wind
I can feel the icy wind
I can feel the wind in treetops
I can feel your biting burst
I can feel your spirit glow

I can feel the icy wind
I can feel the icy wind
I can feel the wind through my land
I can feel your rage my own
I can feel you from beyond

Rise when I call you
Strike when I strike
Sing when I Sing
Let the sky bleed when you want to

4. Veriset Äpärät

Veriset Äpärät

Tahtomattamme synnyimmy,
synnyimme turvat urmeess' vuotaen,
vuotaen syksyisnä sateena,
sateena, verestäni mustan.

Punasilmämme hohkavat,
hohkavat korvain läpi äänet,
ää, huudot ja kirkukna,
kirkuna ilikiän naurun.

Me veriset äpäräiset,
ihtiriekit ikeväiset,
korven karkien kätköissä
matkammiestä metsästämme.

Oli isällämme tuuria,
tuuria vahingoksi äidin,
äidon kantavaksi saatetun,
saatetun, häpiäksi kaikkien.

Pimeydessä me kärsimme,
kärsimme aina jos on tarvis,
tarvis kallotuopist' juopa,
juopa matkalaisten kiusaksi.

Me veriset äpäräiset,
ihtiriekit ikeväiset,
korven karkien kätköissä
matkammiestä metsästämme.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------Bloody Bastard Children.

We were born against our will.
We were born with bloddy faces.
Bleeding like an autumn rain.
A rain, black from blood.

Our eyes flaming red.
Echoes through our ears.
Voices, cries and screams.
Screams of evil laughter.

We are the bloody bastard chldren.
We are crying ihitiriekkos.
Hiding in the rough forest.
Hunting the travelers.

Our father got lucky.
His luck was misfortune for our mother.
Our mother impregnated..
Disgrace for everyone.

In the darkness we suffer.
Suffer if we have to.
Have to get drunk from the skull.
To get drunk to tease the travelers.

We are the bloody bastard chldren.
We are crying ihitiriekkos.
Hiding in the rough forest.
Hunting the travelers.

5. Running with Wolves

folk instruments

6. Liekkiön Isku

Liekkiön Isku

Pelto palo,
loimo nieli viljatähkät,
ulenhenki tarpahutti,
roihu raiskas' rukkiin varret.

Kävi kato kauhistava,
kurja onni kammottava,
menetyski musertava
turha sao, masentava.

Kump' ei iskis' Liekkiöinen,
lostais' karu meltohenki!
Kump' ei iskis Liekkiöinen,
muistas' ilikijäinen!

Leivän leivon leppäsestä,
hongsar' revin ravintoni,
kärsin näljän närimällä
vuotan uutta kylvökautta

Kump' ei iskis' Liekkiöinen,
lostais' karu meltohenki!
Kump' ei iskis Liekkiöinen,
muistas' ilikijäinen!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------The Revenge Of Liekkiö

Whole crop burned to ashes.
Flames swallowed the spikes.
Fire spirit trampled on.
Blaze raped the rye straws.

Harvest was appalling.
Back luck hit hard.
Loss was shattering.
Worthless crop, depressing.

This is the stroke of Liekkiö
A black revenge of the fire spirit.
This is the stroke of Liekkiö
Reminder from the evil one.

I make my breda drom alder.
I tear my food fro pine trees.
I will not surrender to hunger.
I will wait for the next growing season.

This is the stroke of Liekkiö
A black revenge of the fire spirit.
This is the stroke of Liekkiö
Reminder from the evil one.

7. Palovana

Salatuli, virvatuli, piilos', kätkös' käpäjävi, Varron varsin polttamasta hipiätäin palonarkaa!

Vedet haihtuu kastuissani, maatki palaa juostessani. Hurmeenhurja mielein velloo, annan palaa, loihin liekin!

Vauhtiin pääsen, mustaks' muutun, loimusuihke, palovana tuiske tuulen hurjan, liikun, hyörin, vihmon, pyörin!

Katso, katso, katso. katso, voimiani,

Katso, katso, katso, katso, voimiani, tuiske tuulen hurjan

Lauhtuu ilma, kuolleeks' muutun, marrasmaaksi, hiillokseksi. Synnyin tulikipunasta, kuolen valomanalassa!

8. Karhunkaatolaulu

9. Misty Fields

Misty Fields

I can remenber the horses of the pasture
misty mornings and cool of the evenings.
I can remember when the wind whistles
in the corners of the house.

I can feel the fear of the dark
when shaking under
my little bed trying to squeeze
the pillow to my safety

Riding to the grain fields
days of childhood in my memories
flying over the hills unforgettable
over and over again.

In my dreams i live again
my childhood life from night to night.
I could wake with the smell of new-mown hay.
I could wake and taste the blood in my mouth.

I can feel the fear of the dark
when shaking under
my little bed trying to squeeze
the pillow to my safety

10. Vesilahden Veräjillä

11. Nordic Feast

folk instrument


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